Dance Accessories is a large category that covers: Dance Jewelry, Dance Pillow Cases, Dance Bag Tags, Dance Key Chains, Dance Pasta, Precious Moments Dance, Capezio Bunheads, Dance Ornaments, Dance Shoe Accessories, Dance Socks and more.
Beginning with Bunheads, Capezio has a great line for dance accessories including: fake eyelashes, toe pads, bun builders, hair pins, hair nets, bobby pins, fake buns, hair ties, foot care products, knee pads and more. Anything you could need for dance.
Dance Hair Accessories also include all the bling you need for your hair including rhinestone combs, rhinestone headbands, rhinestone bracelets and more bling. Choose from your favorite bun makers and complete them with hair pins, hair nets, and rhinestone barrettes.
Our line of Dance Jewelry has a selection of dance pins, ballerina earrings, dance bracelets, ballerina rings, tap earrings, tap pins, tap necklaces, jazz pins, ballerina pins and more. They make great gifts for birthday or recital!
Dance pillow cases are hand made with Dance Princess, Got to Dance, I Can Dance In My Sleep, A Gymnast Sleeps Here, A Ballerina Sleeps Here and tied with a bow.
Dance Bag Tags And Dance Keychains are also a great gift to pair with any Dance Bag. Available in many styles.
Dance, Dance, Dance Pasta, Cheerleading Pasta, Gymnastics Pasta are a yummy treat and gift.
Precious Moments Dance includes Precious Moments Tap Figurine, Precious Moments Ballet Figurine at a discounted price. Musical ones too.
Dance socks are a great gift that is sure to fit. We have zebra knee high socks, zebra ankle socks, ballet slipper socks, and dance socks.
Dance Shoe Accessories also include items that you need and some that are simply an extra from clip on flowers, tap ties, pointe shoe ribbon, rosin and more.
Shop our dance accessories at You Go Girl! Dancewear for all your dance needs.